Sodom's Cat 索多瑪的貓

Format: Short
Sub-Format: Narrative
Genre: Erotic, Gay, Romance
Production stage: Post-production
Countries of Origin: Taiwan
Countries of Filming: Taiwan
Film languages: Mandarin
Estimated Production Date: 2016-01-01
Team Leader: Huang Ting-Chun 黃鼎鈞
Send a message: GOL STUDIOS

Sun is a young man who attends a sex party, organized via a dating app, with four other men. Together, they start a journey of sensual pleasure. While the others seem to be enjoying themselves, Sun feels disconnected. When the gates of Sodom open, is the passion real or is it only satisfaction? 晴天,一個有著稚嫩臉龐的男孩,參加了一場由交友軟體舉辦的多人性愛活動,在如城堡般的社區大樓裡,晴天與其他四個男人開展了一段肉體歡愉的旅程,但晴天卻無法投入其中,對他而言,想像遠比現實更來得刺激。於是,主辦人羅得開始說起情慾的故事,當索多瑪的大門開啟,這些短暫的激情到底是真是假?能夠帶走的,究竟是心滿意足,還是更大的寂寞? 先做愛吧,之後感傷,之後再算。