葬禮 A Funeral

Format: Short
Sub-Format: Narrative
Genre: Coming of Age, Erotic, Family
Production stage: Development
Countries of Origin: Taiwan, Malaysia
Countries of Filming: Taiwan, Malaysia
Film languages: Mandarin
Estimated Production Date: 2019-08-01
Team Leader: 練健輝
Send a message: 練健輝 Kien-Hui,Lian

Basic info


1995年,夏。客廳傳來誦經收音機的聲響,爺爺的棺材被擺在客廳中央。我看著沒有呼吸的爺爺,感覺自己也跟著他一起死亡。 這是故事的開始...


He took my away during my grandpa's funeral, to a secret place. When mom found out she became furious and too my back into the funeral. Then, the adults bid farewell to grandpa. They were all crying. Mom was crying, too. I called mom and told her I wanted to look at grandpa one last time. Mother held me up. I looked at grandpa in the coffin.

More about this project

2018年反同團體在選舉時舉辦了同志婚姻公投,活在同溫層的我原以為台灣是個包容和和善的地方,卻被公投的結果感到不知所措。我於是想著他們為何恐懼,為何憎恨甚至對我們感到噁心。於是回想自己為何是個同志,而那樣的過程,卻是一直以來自己都無法好好面對的過往。 我後來從來沒有跟表哥提及這些事情,我選擇默默原諒,但我更希望別人去理解同志的過往,無論他們是天生的,還是後天造成的。公投的結果也許是一個很大的溝通缺口,我們無解他們對於我們的仇恨,甚至設法剝奪我們的權益。但身為影像創作者,我迫切希望可以用電影讓更多人理解這些事,而且是不迴避地,把自己之前不願意告訴別人的、藏在內心底層的事說出來、拍出來。


Team Members


Kien-Hui Lian, born in Malacca, Malaysia, is a graduate from Shih Hsin University who further studies at Taipei National University of the Arts, Department of Filmmaking for his master degree. In 2011, he once participated in the 3rd Golden Horse Film Academy, founded by Director Hsiao-Shien Hou, and was ranked as the best screenwriter and directo MORE

Director of Photography

Griffith Chin has been working in the Taiwanese film industry for a few years. Especially interested in visual composition with regard to mise-en-scéne. Alumni of Director Of Photography studies at FAMU International in Prague. Personally trained by Chan Chang in Taiwan and Michael Gahut in Czech Republic. As well as shooting digitally Chin has exp MORE