Unforgotten Night 不小心變成黑幫老大的男人

格式: 電視影集
副格式: 劇情片, 有腳本
類型: 男同志, 愛情
電影長度: 12 eps x 45min
原產國家: 泰國
拍攝國家: 泰國
電影語言: Thai
年份: 2022
導演: Ong-Art Singlumpong
簡介檔案: Link 1




Kim needed someone to embrace his body for just one night. It's the only night to know what your true needs are. And it was the only night that made the mafia "Kamol" not want to let Kim belong to anyone Kim, a 25 year old office worker, has been in one sided love with his senior, Day, for a a long time. To forget about him and move on, he decides to have one night stand with a random stranger he met at the bar. What he didn't know was the stranger would start liking him to the point of no return. Kamol, a 30 year old mafia, has some special needs in bed and so he keeps switching partners b


★改編自於Yaoi線上閱讀小說app上,超過1590萬觀看次數的故事 ★類型似近期流行的"黑幫少爺愛上我",講述黑幫的故事 ★此影集已獲得觀眾極高的期待 ★預告片釋出2天內達到20萬觀看次數 ★該劇播出的電視頻道GMM25隸屬於泰國最大影視娛樂公司GMM Grammy

Cast & Crew

Phusanu Wongsavanischakorn
Saran Anantasetthakul
Ong-Art Singlumpong

影片 & 圖片