Since 2019

HI,I'm 陳珮盈 Pei Ying Chen

Bournemouth, United Kingdom

珮盈是台灣新生代導演和剪接師,目前在英國伯恩茅斯大學攻讀電影導演碩士學位。她在影像產業工作了近六年的時間,參與過廣告、音樂錄影帶、紀錄片和戲劇等類型的製作。這些年的經驗帶給她對於電影製作的養分。在她的作品裡,她熱衷於探討有關LGBTQ+和移民的社會議題,並致力於運用電影這個媒介為社會上的少數族群發聲。 Pei Ying is a Taiwanese independent film director and editor currently studying MA Directing Film at Bournemouth University. She worked in the industry for 6 years, on projects such as commercials, music videos, documentaries and dramas. The years of experience gave her a comprehensive understanding of filmmaking. She explores social issues regarding LGBTQ+ and immigration. In her films, she strives to provide a voice for minorities.


